Welcome to the Ritchie County Assessor's Web Site!
Our office hours are 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
The goal of the Ritchie County Assessor's office is to assess all property accurately,
honestly and fairly. The Assessor's Office main job is to place a fair and equitable
value on all real and personal property within his or her property. It is widely
misconstrued that the Assessor sets the tax on property. This is not true. The Assessor
determines the value of the property while the actual taxes are determined by the
various levying bodies (school board, county, municipality, state and special levies).
My staff and I are here to address your concerns, and I hope this website will help
answer any of the questions you may have.
Meredith Kuhn
Ritchie County Assessor
Ritchie County Assessor
Meredith Kuhn
115 E Main St
Harrisville, WV 26362
304-643-2164 x3